Thursday, December 26, 2019

Islamic Culture: Why don't Southeast Asian Muslims wear a burqa, niqab or hijab as much as Muslims in Arab countries or even in Europe?

Question on Quora:
Islamic Culture: Why don't Southeast Asian Muslims wear a burqa, niqab or hijab as much as Muslims in Arab countries or even in Europe?


My answer (29 April 2015):
I don't know about the other country but I live in Malaysia and I'm pretty sure most Muslims wear Hijab (head cover). Niqab and Burqa are part of Arabic culture but they are not mandatory for Muslims.

The point is to cover the Aurat (parts not allowed to be shown in public), not what kind of clothes people are wearing.

That's probably why the Muslim Arabs are seen to be wearing Niqab and Burqa much more than other Muslims. The Muslims in Europe are mostly from Arab origin or Arab inspired, isn't it? That's probably why there are more Muslims wearing Niqab and Burqa in Europe compared to Muslims in South East Asia.

Do correct me if I'm wrong.

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