Wednesday, September 17, 2014

You want to know why SOME 'Malaysian' Chinese are called 'pendatang' in Malaysia?

I have mentioned before in my post that when Malaysians especially the Malays call the Chinese as 'pendatang', most of the time, they are not being racist. You want to know why? Look below. This is just ONE of the MANY MANY examples!

Which hole did you come from? This has been going on since LAST YEAR! And watch your mouth.. er, hands! How dare you call this practice a DISGRACE and RIDICULOUS?! Yeah, it's not a norm in our country YET but since the effect is great to raise patriotic spirit when implemented in other countries like Thailand, why not do it in Malaysia too? So again, which hole did you come from? Don't say Malaysia, because I don't see you as a Malaysian YET!

Doesn't mean to demean Negaraku? Right... Is that why you call the act of respecting the national anthem a disgrace? Is that why you are ashamed to show off how patriotic Malaysians are to others?

THIS is the type of Chinese the Malaysians had in mind when they are calling some of the Chinese as 'pendatang'. These people want to be called Malaysians, want to be accepted as Malaysians, BUT they act like a foreigner (pendatang)! But most foreigners are more polite and respectful to this country compared to them. So not only do they act like a foreigner, they are bloody rude foreigners as well! The only reason this is played out as a racist issue is so these very same people can shut people mouth from calling it as it is.

So people, please remember this. While money is important, non patriotic rich people are NOT important enough to be considered as citizens of ANY nation. That's why some Chinese are called 'pendatang' even though they're rich and 'well-educated' while other Chinese are accepted as Malaysians without any problem.

And that is also why Malaysian Chinese shouldn't automatically feel offended when some of your Chinese idols, family members, friends or acquaintances were called 'pendatang' and asked to leave Malaysia. The word applies to the individual, not all of you. When people call Mr. Chong Chieng Jen a 'pendatang' and tell him to leave the country, they are NOT referring to Malaysian Chinese. While racist Malaysians who hate all Chinese in general do exist, they're very small in percentage compared to the percentage of non-racist people who just hate this specific type of 'pendatang'.

By the way, I do know that the number non-patriotic people regardless of race in Malaysia are steadily on the rise. BUT, based on how many similar cases came up lately and constantly done by the same group of people, I think it's safe to say that this is the reason why a lot of Chinese are considered as the rude and unwanted foreigners compared to people of other races (who are not Aboriginals) in Malaysia.

Another important thing to note is that, while it's true that non-patriotic Malays and other Aboriginals like the Iban, and Kadazan are not attacked with the word 'pendatang', it is simply because they DID NOT came from somewhere else (don't say Indonesia, it only shows how much you DIDN'T know about Austronesian people). Do NOT think even for a second that they're treated like they're above non-Aboriginals when it comes to things like this. These Aboriginal people are simply known as 'penderhaka' or traitors by Malaysians.

If you still don't get it, being called a 'pendatang' is the same as being called 'penderhaka' and people call you that because you're not loyal to Malaysia. It has nothing to do with race, tribe, whatsoever. The end.

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