Sunday, April 27, 2014

I am quiet and prefer not to fight but that doesn't mean I could be bullied

Why are Scorpios always quiet and afraid of Arians?

I notice they are always by themselves and they avoid fights, I always mess with this scorpio and try to ruffle his feathers and mock him trying to see if he'll get physical, I laugh at him and mock him but he just walks away without saying anything.


Just because someone is being mean to me, doesn't mean I should react in the same way. I mean, what would I get from that? I love peace and quiet. Verbal fights are exhausting and not fun at all. Most people would get tired if there's no response anyway so that's a plus for not fighting.

I don't get into physical fights though so I don't know what will I do if that ever happen. But, I doubt I will let the bully to bully me for long. If I can defend myself without calling the cops then, I would. If not, I still know my rights.

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