Friday, July 23, 2010

The Dark Part of a Cat Life (FEMALE Cat especially)

I've never thought
  • female cat eats kitten
  • female cat is bad at rearing kitten
  • female cat attacks other cat's kitten(s)

O_O Yep, who'd expect the cute, fluffy cat can be so.... scary!!!

Read CATS THAT KILL KITTENS by Sarah Hartwell for full story.


  1. Those cats can't fool me.

    Not again...

  2. Lol yeah... I didn't expect that either. Someone told me that MALE cat can actually be fatherly and then I found this article. It is very.. eye opening, to say the least...


Semua komen akan ditapis terlebih dahulu sebelum disiarkan. Apa pun, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi komen :)

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