Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to install eSPKB, ePerolehan and eTerimaan on Windows XP?


Installation guide for Windows 7, go here:

For latest information (April 2015) regarding these systems, go here:

Date: About 2 weeks ago

Mr A's computer just got reformatted. I need to reinstall eSPKB, eTerimaan and ePerolehan on his computer.

1) eSPKB

Status: Working fine
Date successfully installed: 5 April 2011 (FINALLY!)

*** The day afterward, Mr. A told me he cannot access eSPKB.

Ooops, apparently I only set it up on administrator account. So the IE settings I did only affect the administrator account. I can use eSPKB with no problem if I sign in as administrator on Mr. A's computer. However, other users will have to re set their IE settings on Mr. A's computer if they want to do the same.

I finally corrected the IE settings on Mr. A's account on 13 April 2011 (I have a training course so I didn't have time to do it sooner) and so far, I can access eSPKB from his domain user account just as fine as I did on administrator account :)

Steps I've taken (as far as I could remember, my memory is a little bit hazy) to install eSPKB:
  1. Copy hosts file in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc folder on Mrs. N's PC into c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc folder on Mr. A's PC to replace the original hosts file on that folder.
  2. Configure Mr. A's computer by following Konfigurasi Komputer eSPKB Win 98/2000/XP guide downloaded on http://egag.anm.gov.my/dl.html. Noted: Running tracert on Command Prompt failed. *Asked a GITN Technical Support and he told me to run tracert with our college account office's ip numbers.
  3. Downloaded IVEST 4EG / Driver (XP) from http://egag.anm.gov.my/dl.html and installed it on Mr. A's PC.
  4. Downloaded iProxy CA Cert Patch untuk iVest Client 4.1 dan ke bawah from http://egag.anm.gov.my/dl.html and installed it on Mr. A's PC according to Tatacara Instalasi iProxy CA Cert Patch.
  5. Downloaded iProxy CA Cert Patch iProxy Certificate untuk Internet Explorer versi 8 from http://egag.anm.gov.my/dl.html and installed it on Mr. A's PC.
  6. Install EG (whatever it is, I found it in the installation folder).
  7. Download smartcard reader driver (USB: ACR30U, Win 2K/XP) from http://www.ivest.com.my/download/software.htm and install it on Mr. A's PC.
  8. Configure IE Settings 2. Open Internet Explorer > Go to Internet Options > Security > Trusted Site > Add https://sr.eperolehan.com.my/ and https://www.eperolehan.com.my/ and tick 'Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone' checkbox > Click Close
  9. Configure IE Settings 3. Open Internet Explorer > Go to Internet Options > Advanced >If installing on Windows XP Service Pack 2, tick on both Use TLS 1.0 and Use SSL 3.0. If installing on Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows 7, do not tick on other TLS and SSL versions except  Use SSL 3.0.
  10. I think that's it. Just plug in the card reader and make sure the iVest Gate and iProxy are running to use eSPKB.
Tips and Advices I got from fellow PPTMs:
Miss S said, to install eSPKB,
  1. Install iVest
  2. Install EG
  3. Install Smart Card Reader Driver
  4. Configure the hosts file and IE setting.
Mr. B told me to check
  • Version of SSL or TSL used by Java (Go to Control Panel > Java). Make sure the setting in IE8 (Go to Internet Option > Advanced) matched the security setting in Java (Go to Control Panel > Java > Advanced > Security). Meaning, if Java use both TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 then you should set the security setting in IE to use them too.
Other guides:
  1. http://www.google.com.my/search?q=macam+mana+install+espkb&hl=en&prmd=ivns&ei=w_2YTeP5LsX5rAeGkNXlCw&start=10&sa=N
  2. http://tech17work.blogspot.com/2010/11/tak-buat-ape2-pondah-ok.html
  3. http://www.forum.kjkm.org/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=4535
  4. http://www.forum.kjkm.org/search.php?sid=185bc8ce8ae6dbb53e70a7fee4981237
  5. http://www.pesima.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=search&mode=results

2) eTerimaan

Status: Working fine, just a little bit slow to load
Date successfully installed: 29 March 2011 (if I'm not mistaken)

How to install eTerimaan on windows XP SP3?
- will be updated -

Edited 07 May 2013:
- Probably never -

3) ePerolehan

Status: Working fine
Date successfully installed: 4 April 2011 (Today!!)

How to install ePerolehan on windows XP SP3?
- will be updated -

Edited 07 May 2013:
- Probably never. Sorry! -

Tips and Advices I got from fellow PPTMs:


  1. eterimaan mesti ade internet?masih xdapat

    1. eTerimaan ialah aplikasi yang hanya boleh diakses oleh agensi kerajaan menggunakan talian khas iaitu 1Gov*Net (dulu dikenali sebagai EGNet). Nak guna talian ni, agensi kena mohon dulu dengan MAMPU.

      Semak sini untuk maklumat lanjut nak mohon talian 1Gov*Net:


Semua komen akan ditapis terlebih dahulu sebelum disiarkan. Apa pun, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi komen :)

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