Friday, December 10, 2010

What, no shampoo and soap?!

'No Poo' - Going No Shampoo Successfully

Okay, now that stops me for awhile. It's bad enough we're called uncivilized for going raw on food, and now we're going to abandon the shampoo too? But then again, the idea doesn't sound that bad or weird. It's intriguing. I mean, how do people wash their hair and body before soap and shampoo exist?

Hm, so how indeed?
Linda S answered this question in Yahoo Answer (chosen as Best Answer).

It's scary but no, that's not the answer I'm looking for. It's too focused on Western society and harmful 'natural' products.

Anyway, I continued reading on the challenge, clicking on the links, reading the testimonies and it makes sense. It's true that the more I shampoo my hair using the modern shampoo, the worse my hair gets.

Before this, I don't shampoo my hair quite so much. I don't know why I started shampooing frequently lately but my scalp just feels so dirty and it gets quicker and quicker to get oily these days. Now, my used to be beautiful-shiny-healthy-brownish black hair is so dry it changed color to brownish red!

So it must be the chemical. Some might say it because I clean my hair too much but that doesn't explains why it becomes easier to get dirty the more I wash.

Actually, come to think of it, I have unconsciously tried this no shampoo and soap method for awhile when I was living alone and the result was great. Back then, I washed my hair and body with only water. No other products used, modern or natural, honest! I only came back to civilization after living with my family again :)

Oh, by the way, I dropped the shampoo and soup at that time because of these very same questions. It's not because I was being cheap or lack of money. No one realized it, no one commented on my scent.

That makes me wonder if there are other people who don't use soap either. Sure enough, there are!
Si Dawson
Richard Nikoley (lots of readers' testimonies too!)

Of course, they still use soap after going to the toilet and before preparing food. Anyway, after experimenting with no soap and shampoo, they all (including their readers) agreed that the results are great no matter what hair type or skin type you have.

I'm not gonna explain why using shampoo and soap makes your hair and skin worse. Just click on the links, they have explain it in detail.

So, I'm going back to use no shampoo and soap but I don't think I'm gonna make a log or report about this. I'm just too undisciplined (sigh at my Detox Diet Experiment) to record it properly. Besides, there are lots more other things in my mind to share here. I don't know, depends on my mood I guess :)

I'm so glad and thankful that the internet exists. Thanks to God and the person who found the internet :)

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