Monday, November 22, 2010

Home Remedies for Curing Constipation

These home remedies collection were taken from forum:

minum fresh orange suam

** Translation: Drink warm fresh orange juice.

minum air masak banyak2..banyakkan makan buah2 (esp orange)..Sayur2-an..

** Translation: Drink lots of water. Eat lots of fruits (especially orange) and vegetables.

makan la sayur dan buah yang boleh dimakan oleh orang berpantang macam sawi dan buah epal.Insya Allah tak ada masalah membuang..minum air juga perlu cukup 8 gelas

** Translation: Eat vegetables and fruits that can be eaten by post-pregnancy mother like mustard greens and apples. By God's Will, you will have smooth excrement. Don't forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water.

Masak bubur bersama2 sedikit halia yang ditumbuk. Rebus sekali lah halia tu dengan bubur tu..Kemudian, masa bubur tu tengah panas2 lagi, goreng 2-3 biji bawang putih garing2, (bawang putih tu tak payah tumbuk, goreng sebiji2), lepas tu angkat bawang putih tu masukkan dalam periuk bubur yang masih panas tu. Tutup periuk bubur biar wap bubur tu menyebatikan rasa bawang putih tu dalam bubur tadi.

** Translation: Boil rice porridge with crushed ginger. Leave the ginger in the porridge. When it's done, roast 2-3 cloves of garlic nicely (no need to crush it to pulp, just leave it whole) and put it in the porridge while it's still hot. Cover the lid and let the vapor mix the garlic flavor well with the porridge.

** Warning: It has been said that this recipe works way too well sometimes.

kalau saya cuba elakkan minum milo utk elak sembelit

** Translation: Avoid drinking Milo to avoid constipation.

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