Monday, August 23, 2010

The DIfferences Between Strangers, Acquaintances, Friends and Best Friends

Everyday is someone's birthday

One of my friends said that her first impression of me is that I'm very friendly. Although I am a social recluse, I don't have any problem to chat up a complete stranger and usually by the end of our conversation, both of us would have had a good time talking with each other about whatever. The strange thing is we rarely ask for name. phone numbers or to meet again afterward. Most of my friends are actually made because they're constantly around me. That's all. We don't necessarily share secrets or stuff like that or as open in a conversation. So it makes me wonder, what are the differences between strangers, acquaintances, friends and best friends?

Strangers are Therapists you can get for free
One of my favorite target when spilling my darkest secret are the strangers. They don't know you so they couldn't judge you or if they do, it won't feel as hurtful. You can be very honest and get fresh unbiased response to your view or problem. It can be very therapeutic.Furthermore, what makes strangers irreplaceable is that your secret is totally safe in their hand as long you didn't hand them your personal details during the exchange. They can't use the secret to hurt you.

However, you'd get attached and dependent to these strangers if you maintain constant contact with them. They might turn to be an acquaintances or friends if you hang around them long enough. Once they do, then they'll want to know your personal details, expect you to contact them often and stuff like that. That's normal for most people but not me.

The moment these strangers become acquaintances, or friends, is the moment when I'll start censoring my thoughts and my words when I talk to them.

Acquaintances are Similar to Politicians
By my definition, strangers turned to acquaintance when they're personally introduced to you or just happen to be around your social circle. You know their name, rumors and gossips about them, but you don't care about them. They're almost like strangers but you don't trust them with any of your secrets.

Included in this category are classmates, and work colleagues. Those who didn't fit in might have a hard time to turn these type of acquaintances to friends and the ride to career advancement or something like that could be quite bumpy.

Friends Can Be Protectors or Bullies
Sometimes when you just 'click' with The Stranger too much, it feels like The Stranger is actually one of your friend or at least you'd like to call them your friend even though you don't know his/her name. Is it possible to becomes friends without knowing each other names? If it is possible, what makes it different from being strangers?

For one thing, your friend usually knows you and the people in your social circle. Or if they don't, sooner or later, they would find a way to integrate with your circle. When your friends are friends with your other friends, you now have a small society (circle) of your own. Once it got here, it becomes an even worse politics where you now have to watch your mouth and steps.

The differences between acquaintances and friends is that even though there are some parts of them that you don't like, you care about them anyway. That's when you instinctively start to watch what you says and what you do just so you don't hurt them. It's like being with a family members actually. I know that no family is the same but this is the case with MY family.

And so like a family, there are that feeling of being safe. I mean, if other people attacks your family members (bad mouth, etc) no matter how bad they are,  won't you feel angry or annoyed about it anyway? Sometimes it's enough to make says or do something to defend them. When your family members are in trouble, don't you feels 'I want to help' even when they don't ask for it? When I think about my friends feeling and doing the same thing for me, it makes me feel like I'm not alone and I can make mistakes as there would be people that would accept me for who I am and save me from falling down the cracks.

But that's only if you have good friends. If you have bad friends instead.... Uh, instead of being your protectors, they'd probably be the ones who would bully you instead ~_~ That would suck without a doubt. You might end up hating your friends but suck it up in order to have a (relatively) happy life. That explains why some people say they're lonely even though they have a lot of friends. In order to avoid these kind of bad situations, choose your circle wisely.

You can't choose your family members but you can choose your friends

You don't know what could happen in the future though even if right now you're good friend with someone. For that reason, it's hard for me to share any secrets with them.

Best Friends are Good Friends?
Yeah, call me stupid but I just don't get it. Good friends, bad friends and acquaintances are enough to categorize someone. What are the differences between good friends and best friends anyway? Can you be 'just friends'? I mean if you know someone, talk with that person often, that doesn't automatically makes that person, your friend. He/She could be an acquaintance. Friends are when you personally care about them.

I suppose one way to differentiate between friends and best friends is that you know without a doubt that your best friends would help you in times of need. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

In Conclusion

As you can see, these are the differences between strangers, acquaintances, friends and best friends from my own view. For some people, strangers can be very important to their mental and moral health. They can help them to preserve their sanity and remain true to themselves by allowing them to share their real thoughts behind the scenes without being judged.

That doesn't mean acquaintances, friends and best friends are less important though. Having a good relationship with your acquaintances and friends ensure a (relatively) smooth career and a (relatively) peaceful life. It's harder to handle acquaintances and friends you don't like but it never hurts to be polite and kind to everyone.

Kill your enemies with kindness

I mean would you prefer working with people where some of them like you and some of them hate you or would you prefer working where EVERYONE openly hates you? If you choose the latter, uh.. good luck. I mean that's one of the main reason why people lost motivation to work or get depressed. So yeah.. good luck.

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