Monday, May 25, 2015

When it comes to culture, do NOT imitate BEFORE you understand what you're doing

I was checking out the thread in my favorite Facebook group and wow, some of the Austronesian (especially the Maori) were angry to see this:

Understandable... First of all, this women is wearing a MAN's Ta Moko (tattoo). And secondly, ONLY men poke out tongues. So yeah.... this is a MAJOR faux pas.

While some people might laugh at this, people of where this woman is ripping the culture from are probably not one of them. There are actual meanings behind those tattoo and gesture for the Maori. What she's doing on the other hand is like mocking the Maori for being what they are i.e. she's not taking their culture seriously which is offensive.

One of my friends said, if the woman is in Maori village, she'd probably get beaten up for being so rude. Yes, my friend is a Maori. I'm pretty sure she said this because she's a hot head, not because it's true. Even if she really mean it... well.. I don't condone violence but I can't really say the woman in above photo doesn't deserve it either.

Some people disagree with us on this.

X said, "I don't agree beating people for being rude and stupid. Or offending anyone, anyone's religion or culture. That is too extreme and savagery."

Oh, really? Newsflash: People actually have feelings. A kindergartner might not know what 'bitch' means but his mother would feel displeased anyway had he uttered that word whenever he sees her. 

Secondly, what do you call someone who is being habitually cruel to others whether on purpose or not (for example: offending someone by insulting the person or people/stuff the person cares about REPEATEDLY)?

Yeah, A BULLY. A bully does not have to use violence to be recognized as a bully. All they need to do is causing someone to be extremely depressed or angry to the point the person might blow up a fuse and start doing extreme things like for example.... Oh, I don't know... killing others or committing suicide?

But I suppose it's alright to some people to let those bullies continue being abusive as long they didn't use physical violence. And I suppose it's okay to these people too if the victims just kill themselves instead of the abusers because hey, it's their 'fault' anyway. Why do they have to be so 'sensitive'?

In case someone missed my point, I'm just saying that I don't agree with people like X who thinks it's not wrong to be rude/stupid but it's wrong for the victims of those rude/stupid people to retaliate against them. That's like saying it's okay to slap someone but not okay for that person to slap you back! And please remember.... words and actions hurt as much as physical violence so to make exceptions for those two are just not right.

Ehem, back on the topic. Ignorance is not an excuse but like I said, I don't think the Maori would really beat her up. They might be angry but they're reasonable people. If they knew she didn't do it on purpose to rile them up, she'd probably get a good scolding and education. That's all.

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