Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Conclusion of Malaysia Independence Day Year 2010?

Yesterday was 31 August, The Independence Day. However, it sure doesn't feel like one except for a few national flags here and there. Today is even worse. It feels like yesterday doesn't exist at all.

That could have just been me because I'm stuck in my bedroom like usual. Seeing these answers on Malaysia Community however change my mind:

How was your Merdeka's holiday? Have you realized the importance of being together as a Nation or it is just a normal holiday for you guys?

Here are some of the common answers:
  1. like other holidays....stay at home n rest
  2. boring because too many assignment to do...
  3. normal... but diferent with keadaan dulu kala dgr jer lagu terus bgun bulu roma...
  4. kena kerja... setiap tahun.. tak merdeka la kiranya..
  5. no feeling, worst merdeka ever
  6. just a boring day....huhuhu
  7. nothin special...jus another day...was even quieter this year...
  8. tiada pengisian yg membina ...
  9. just another normal holiday (that i needed so desperately) tapi dengan penuh keimanan sempena berpuasa.
  10. nothin special...jus another day...was even quieter this year...
  11. shopping for raya...
  12. there was no content in any merdeka celebration. and always it is useless.
  13. normal. spending entire day locking up in the room

To sum it up, from 83 answers, majority agreed that it feels like just another NORMAL, boring holiday with nothing special to boot. Most answers are variance of those I've listed above.

Only 13 answers are different or slightly different:
  1. ya, already realized
  2. yeah!
  3. the ceremony was great.
  4. yeah..1 malaysia
  5. great! feel like we all unite again.
  6. give us a chance to celebrate our ID
  7. i realized the important of tis merdeka how hard our leader got it...
  8. look at news of racism?
  9. to love this country n being together is not only on this 1 day...if deep in our mindset n heart we love this motherland, then this day could be just a normal but meaningful day.
  10. the merdeka eve was fun and its all about getting together and for merdeka day its all about resting
  11. Important but people need to set 'Merdeka' meaning in their self first.... than u know the holidays
  12. hari yg ptot kte bersyukur pd pejuang2 tanah air kte yg sanggup menggadaikan nyawa demi tanah air..
  13. go to see culture boy and girl when national day..

I wonder how to feel more deeply about this special day?

“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes


Updated on 6 October 2010:
Wow, this post actually got listed on Google Search page one! Thanks for reading!


  1. hurmm..national day tu best kalau betul2 kita sayangkan negara.

    thnks 4 da comment.

  2. Macam mana nak tahu kita sayangkan negara ke tak? Kalau tak sayang, macam mana nak bagi sayang? Aisyeh men... ni dah macam soalan orang 'dating' la pulak XD

    You're welcome.


Semua komen akan ditapis terlebih dahulu sebelum disiarkan. Apa pun, saya ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi komen :)

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