Sunday, May 17, 2020

+A No Tachiichi Manga Review

Hi! I haven't write a blog post in English here for a long time but there are too many comments of people hating the ending of this manga and none of a positive one so I thought those who thinks differently should make it known to balance the view.

And so, here it is.

Before that, here is the link to the last chapter:

Ok, first thing first, it's an isekai. The main character is a young teenage girl from the modern Japan who accidently got summoned to another world with one of her school female idols. Unlike most mangas who feature ugly and average female main character, she really looks her part.

For example, there's no taking-the-glasses-off magic to make her a hidden beauty. Her dressing style is not better or worse than others so you can't blame the clothes either. Neither can you blame the title on acne, scar, or anything health related concern because she doesn't have any. However, with the way she is drawn, one would immediately notice she is not as beautiful as others, nor as graceful. We may not think she looks as ugly as the manga says she is BUT the description is not out of place as that description could be a synonym to someone who just doesn't fit that particular place's beauty standard and that's exactly what she is. As such, to most people, she is either average or ugly. And the best part is, she is at peace with herself and retains her original look at the end of the series.

I really like this point because unlike most mangas with this kind of female character (or so they say) I can truly relate to Satoki as I have the same experience as her. I've been considered beautiful, average, or ugly, by different people. I know how it feels to be treated not as kindly or plain ignored just because you don't fit someone's beauty standard especially men. It hurts. It hurts a lot. But, you get used to it, and you remain rational and happy because you accept yourself as you are.

Still, a lot of the readers hate most of the characters in this manga and rightly so. The guys especially, freely say and act however they want like she is not a fellow human with feelings. They are only sweet with her beautiful friend. Even so, even if the readers are angry at them for their careless attitude, it's hard to classify them as a bad person because they have lots of good points too and they still somewhat care for her. After all, if it's not for that particular attitude, they aren't that different from her new friend. She doesn't do sweet, with anyone, except when acting as the fake priestess.

The main character's way of thinking and attitude is on point too. I don't know about you but I can confidently say most of us, especially the truly average girls who don't expect much from others due to our looks, we are not going to fare any better if we are in her place. It can be depressing but this is also refreshing from a manga perspective because it's extremely realistic.

Just because you suddenly have a new power, doesn't mean the way you think, the way other people treat you, your personality, and the insecurities you have, are all going to suddenly change or disappear as well. For example, the main character (mc) does not expect anyone to save her. Why should she? As the reader, we know her master and the fake priestess cares for her, a lot, only because we can see everyone's point of view. But to her, all she can see is what's happening in front of her eyes and that is they casted her aside like nothing, none of them openly say or show that they care for her, and she's constantly barraged with careless remarks and attitudes.

So, all in all, the new world is full of potential but by the time her master is trying to be more honest, it's game over. With nothing to feel secure about and no one to make you feel safe and wanted, it makes sense to want to leave as soon as possible in a good note. Hence the "unsatisfying" ending.

Had she have the open supports as her friend has, the ending could be totally different. But as it is, they don't deserve her, and this ending is perfectly realistic considering everything.

By the way, many readers say she's just making excuses not to take charge of her own life even though she has the magical power to do so. I say, their heads are in clouds. She's young, average middle class, straighforward, no acting and political skill, no fighting skills, zero knowledge about the new world, no mentor to help her to live on her own in the new environment, she has no connections, she has no idea how to go home... so like, aren't you expecting too much from her here? Even if she manage to run, what else is she supposed to do after that? Be a homeless, scavenge for food, run away everytime she sees a soldier? Even if she use the absurd magical weapon to fight, she still needs to sleep and as she's not sporty at all, it's just too easy for her to be recaptured.

TLDR: I like it. A 5 out of 5. And, I wish the author would make a spin-off with a different ending where she is treated better and continued to live there forever because I kind of ship her with either the master or the battle-crazed demon <3

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