Thursday, March 28, 2013

Say NO to Gay Marriages especially in Malaysia


His Question
When it comes to gay marriage, why do you personally oppose it?
Why are the civil rights of this minority group so scary that you oppose it?

Additional Details
Please exclude God from the topic if possible.
Lol, Patrick then why did you felt the need to answer the question?

My Answer
Sorry, but I can't keep God out of it.

I mean why does marriage exist in the first place? Isn't it because of religion? I'm not naming any religion because I don't want to start a fight. It's just logic.

I mean, if it were to be believed that human evolved from some kind of monkey (which I don't believe at all), or if God really does not exist, then why do we need to marry at all? Monkeys and other animals doesn't seem to need it. They have sex and live their life with their partner as they like. They do not need certificate or approval from others to claim, defend and have a good life with their mate and family members.

So with this logic, depending on what your religion is, depending on what you choose to believe in, isn't this actually a non issue?

If you're a real follower, you would follow what your religion teach you and live according to its rules. If you don't live according to what your religion teach you because you think the teaching is wrong, then it means that you don't believe the religion at all which means you're actually a non-follower.

My God says NO to sex between unmarried HETERO couple, anal sex and homosexual practices. This is not a problem for the non-believers and I don't have any problem with gay marriages among them either. So if that law to enable the rights for gay partners to marry and get the same benefits as straight couples are restricted to people who are atheist or of certain religion only, I say, go on, I don't care.

But if that law is to be applied equally to everyone regardless of their religion, we have a problem.

* I'm not from your country but I feel the need to answer this question because some people who claim to be of the same believers as I am brought up this topic in my country recently.


Yeah, so that is my answer. Not many people read this blog but if you find very similar content like above text (My Answer) written somewhere else on the Internet, then, yes, I have copied and edited the text from that place but I am the one one who wrote that answer in the first place so it's okay (I hope).

Anyway, Malaysia is an Islamic country so I would vote for NO GAY MARRIAGE is to be allowed and recognized ever in Malaysia regardless of their religion if anyone dare to bring out this issue.

Edited on 06 June 2013
Reason: To make it less dragging and more coherence :)

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